Logo de la aplicación rehabirtual


Transforming rehabilitation into a pleasant experience

Logo de la aplicación rehabirtual


Transforming rehabilitation into a pleasant experience

We have created a tool for motor rehabilitation using a virtual avatar. The avatar interacts in real time with the user for corrections or extra motivation. Rehabirtual is a fully customisable tool with powerful data analytics functionality.

How It Works

Icono de un móvil con rueda de configuración

Configure the Experience

Start the VR experience

Analyze Progress

Customize the VR rehabilitation session directly from your mobile. Choose specific exercises and virtual environments adapted to the needs of each patient.

Place the VR headset on the patient and that’s it, the patient will follow the instructions of the virtual instructor and perform the necessary exercises.

After each session, you can check the statistics and performance analysis on your mobile through detailed graphs.
Adjust the rehabilitation plan based on progress.


Our virtual avatar assists in the precise monitoring and correction of exercises in real time, allowing optimal management of multiple patients. With detailed reports and export to Excel, simplifying data integration and improving the quality of care, becoming an essential ally for clinics seeking to lead in the rehabilitation of the future.

A virtual avatar accompanies the patient in each session, providing clear instructions, personalized advice and corrections in real time to ensure correct performance of the exercises.

Commitment to continuous improvement, including the addition of new rehabilitation programs and updates to VR and mobile application functionalities to enrich the user experience.

All patient progress data and statistics can be downloaded in Excel format, allowing easy analysis and integration with other enterprise databases for detailed tracking.

Videos & Similar Projects

Logo de la aplicación rehabirtual en grande y negro

Maximise Rehabilitation Effectiveness

Our VR platform offers real-time corrections and personalised advice through an avatar, significantly increasing the accuracy and effectiveness of each exercise.

Simplified Patient Management

Easily manage a portfolio of patients with our intuitive interface, improving efficiency and enabling more personalised care.

Accessibility at all times

With our mobile application, professionals can monitor and adjust rehabilitation plans anytime, anywhere, ensuring the best possible care for their patients.

More info?

    • Responsable del tratamiento: TYPSA Estadística y Servicios S.L.U. (TEyS)
    • Finalidad: sus datos serán usados para poder atender sus solicitudes y prestarle nuestros servicios.
    • Legitimación:  Consentimiento del propio interesado.
    • Derechos: tiene derecho a saber qué información tenemos sobre usted, corregirla y eliminarla, tal y como se explica en la información adicional disponible en nuestra web.
    • Información adicional: más información en el apartado «Política de privacidad» de nuestra página web. 
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